Saturday, June 26, 2010


i would like to tell you, first and foremost, how well i am coping with your absence. of course it's bullshit, but it is very unlikely i can tell the difference. i believe. so i am. believing that i am. not able to tell the difference.

paragraph 2. i am supposed to sound very objective and to the point. like i got one. ha. i am sure i can make up a few as i go along. you may be confused as you keep reading, but that is exactly the point. to keep you as confused as possible till i sort my reasoning. and thinking. i'd throw that in too just to keep you impressed.

paragraph 3. i should be polite and try to make you feel that this is about you. my sincere concern on your being since your departure. i must be able to pull this off very well to ensure you drop your guard and really think that i care. i should demonstrate to you the depth of my interest in your uncharacteristic life bits. with puppy eyes perhaps. until you develop such sympathy for me for missing out on this tiny fraction of your life. that. would be a hard one.

paragraph 4. i have yet to figure out my objective to this hello. i should just go on praising the world of you. kiss, kiss, kiss, the ground you walked on. again i must show my longings and how unwell i have been without you. my whole world collapsed. sounds almost real.

paragraph 5. can i skip to paragraph 6. is conclusion coming anytime soon.

paragraph 6. perhaps now i should jumped you with something that can hurt you. now i realize my objective was to get even with you for leaving me. yes.

but i have been doing that all along, havent i. i say things that feigned and ridiculed both yours and my sincerity. we made efforts to build things up just to keep crashing them down again and again. probably not we. probably just me. and i blabber all this as if you give a shit.

paragraph 37. i like this number. and i like to think that sometimes you do give a shit.

paragraph 193. 4. i apologised. heaven knows for what. did it reach u.

fuck. conclusion already. i said hello.
and i mean well.

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